1/1/11 - SUP 2011? SNOW FUCK YEA!

by Kenny on Saturday, January 1, 2011


Well this is my first entry of 2011. I always hear people say something along the lines of "LETS MAKE 2011 BETTER!" etc...every year kicks ass!, what better way to end 2010 than go snowboarding?

Seriously, 2nd happiest day of 2010, first happiest was my first time snowboarding, and this time is the 2nd! (hopefully go next weekend again!)

icicle penis




Today went over to Kinokuniya in SJ. I always thought everything would be closed on New Years but apparently not.

kinda embaressing, when i took this photo the guy that works there told me no photos allowed...

santana row

One comment

Your car is real nice everything just flows.

by matthew on January 4, 2011 at 10:45 AM. #