Happy St. Pattys day

by Kenny on Tuesday, March 18, 2008

So I guess St. Pattys = Corned Beef and Cabbage. WHICH I FUCKING LOVE! its soooooooo good. Today i had it for lunch and dinner! and tomorrow GREG is hookin it up with some left over corned beef since he IS part Irish! (his hobbies include breaking furniture from IKEA)

Here's my friend GREG, me and him go way back since middle school. He's my blog buddy.

This is me in the gorilla costume Greg brought for me.

After work on my way to Valencia to pick up a new tire (shop ended up to be closed) i spotted a fire at a building, 4-alarm. read more about it HERE

afterwards had dinner @ THE ENGLANDER with Max, Mj, Paul, Nai, and Alex.


Paul+Irish Carbomb