bush st. obama

by Kenny on Tuesday, January 20, 2009

In the beginning of the day i saw on LaughingSquid the OBAMA streets on Bush st.

This photo is from Laughing Squid, the reason why i didn't get a picture is because i went down Bush St. and i didnt even see shit! lol. i guess they must have taken them down by the time i went. Thought it was pretty cool how they did that though, theres a bunch of other pictures of this all over the web, even news articles.

Also today i saw this pretty crazy ass explosion outside of work. I hope everything is okay. I feel bad for the construction workers over there though, i hope they're alrite.

One comment

Holy shiet that's a crazy ass explosion!

by Niggidy Nas on January 21, 2009 at 2:00 AM. #