Sad Story

by Kenny on Thursday, July 24, 2008

Today i was just browsing the interweb for a while til' i stumbled across this thing about this cyclist that was hit by a car and passed away. It's always sad to hear about people that pass away but especially when they are the similar ethnicity and age as I am, as silly as it sounds, i guess it just feels like that could be me too. I had to sign up to and to get the full story. Apparently from what im reading this guy seems like one of the nicest people you'd meet.

At first i really wanted to know the story about if he was wearing a helmet or whatever, or how the accident happened (u know how curious you can get about that shit) but as i continued reading, I just started to feel as if i knew that guy, Atip (his name). People started telling stories about times they had together, posting pictures of him and all. Touching stuff, i started to not really care about the situation except the fact that a life was lost.

The saddest part was reading the thread from page1. It basically starts off as his close friends stating that he was hit by a car and in critical condition in the hospital. For a while it sounded as if he was going to make it and everyone praying for a quick recovery, but when i read this post:

"hey everyone. i just got home from the hospital and still it is not good. just so you all know and can do whatever it is you have to do he's not going to make it even worse probably not through tomorrow." just made me feel so sad.

And then: "Atip passed away a few minutes ago. He had family and friends surrounding him, saying their goodbyes. He will be missed."

After reading all that I've read on the situation made me feel almost a tiny part of it. Guess it's a huge wake-up call for people to wear helmets+lights and ride safer. Bunch of posts of people saying how they're going to purchase helmets asap, sad that it took a life for people to realize it.

Tons of people came out to his candlelight memorial