New day...yay!

by Kenny on Thursday, July 17, 2008

So I got a bunch of new toys today let me tell you what it is. First of all, Erik and Carl came into work today and Erik had bought some old Concor saddle off some dude today. I asked him if he perfers a Rolls saddle to possibly ignitiate some sort of trade. Turns out the Rolls saddle was what he was lookin for and we swapped saddles.

Later today i decided to hit up Auto-Freak in Japantown to pick up a new Broadway mirror. When i sold my Rx-7 i totally forgot to snatch my old Broadway mirror back so i had to get a new one.

There it black-wooden trim! lol. There actually was this other one they had there, with diamonds in it, thought it looked kinda fancy but only problem was that it wasn't convex and convex kicks ass in longer cars.

When I came home today i found a shipment to me. It was my new cranks i ordered for my unicycle! So awesome cause the cranks i had on there before stripped while i was putting the pedals back on. Tough! These new cranks are just very slightly longer, ill see how i like them.

Came with that awesome bumper sticker too!!