Yes thats right. i feel like the happiest kid on Earth right now and when i step foot off that plane.
Dream come true to finally goto Japan.
heres a few random photos Takahiro sent me from a Kyusha show in Japan.
Just a few random photos from over the weekend.
My friend Gary hit me up on Saturday informing me about an AMG Mercedes driving event at the Alameda base.
Went by to check it out. They had a test drive of a few cars such as the AMG C-CLASS, SL, E.
i personally took seat of the E Series AMG. It was fun but shit, would have been 20x better with the traction control turned off. Throttle kept cutting off due to the fact i kept flooring it on the fun.
i got to ride along with Jan driving the C class AMG. I could tell this car was a lot more nimble with a better power to weight ratio.
crazy ass watermelm
Shoutout to D-bot Darren for teaching me how to make gifs. I never learned to make them from videos but i have a lot to learn. here's a start though...
ehh its a start
After seeing those Skylines in the previous entry, we headed over to Laguna Seca to see some LeMans qualifying.
btw thanks Tim for the photos+camera
i have to say, being in the pits during a race is pretty awesome, thank you TRG for that opportunity and the slim jims
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Last friday blew my mind. I saw a real KGC10 GT-R. Believe it or not, this thing is in the BAY AREA! This guy also owns some pretty amazing fucking cars. FAIRLADY Z 432, 2000GT, KENMERI GTR, HAKOSUKA GTR....
So i finally got the chance to goto MYSTERY SPOT in Santa Cruz for the very first time. For all of you that havent been there before, id say its pretty worth it if you make a trip out of it, assuming thats not the ONLY place you're going for.
heres a few photos from my birthday recently, thank you for all the b-day wishes as well.
oohh laa laaaa
this is an earlier photo from the bbq i threw at my house
hmmmm whaaat does my fat ass want to eat???
sometimes when you're so hungry and you eat something thats so good, you dont know if its your hunger or it really is just good....
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Mark ordered a bunch of bean bag chairs today. We decided to stack them up into a pyramid and have Jon drive into them.
Mark posted this up on FATLACE. Super interesting fucking video. Pharrell i guess is the speaker and just kinda takes a tour around Japan visiting different artists and places. Along the way they discuss and reveal the culture and tragic events that has happened in the past to Japan.
Seriously, just press play on the first video and you'll find yourself watching all of em.
I've been waiting months for this, and also been waiting for SEPTEMBER to finally come to finally announce.
Words cannot explain how excited i am. If you've been following my blog, you'll probably notice i dont have much to talk about, i let my photos do the speaking usually but for this occasion, i have lots to say.
I know a lot of people can say "IVE ALWAYS WANTED TO GOTO JAPAN!" but no fucking shit, i have SERIOUSLY been wanting to go there. Everything has fascinated me since high school, and not just cars (and not anime either...not really into that). I want to go to the place that i get much of my inspiration from coming from magazines to videos and the internet. I actually was supposed to goto Japan last year, but ended up going to Philippines instead. NOW..i can finally go.
SEPTEMER FUCKING 28! Hearing this month "SEPTEMBER" already excites me. Hopefully i can find a set of SSR MK2's or something of equal awesomeness there.
28 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!