8/19 - Scott Pilgrim

by Kenny on Thursday, August 19, 2010


I watched Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World tonight and damn, this movie may not be for everyone but I have to say, i finally watched a movie that felt like it was suited for me.

At first when i saw the trailer on TV i didn't think much, it wasn't up until i saw a few trailers on youtube where i got really interested. Then when other friends of mine saw it and recommended it.

Totally done up comic and video game style. I LOVEEEED the movie and for sure am going to buy it when it comes out (keep in mind i dont buy any movies, except kill bill).
Only thing about this movie that it may not be for you is if you live in a box, if video games, art or comics and design have no meaning to you...or if your a poodle.

Also check out Ramona (the girl with the purple hair in the image above)

looks totally different!