
by Kenny on Monday, December 1, 2008

Man, i just spent a bit of time just working on pictures I've taken over the past few days-week. I've been really backed up and also on blogging, even for work. But here's a little of whats been going on for me.

Day before thanksgiving Alex had a friend-dinner at his place for thanksgiving, it was really nice of him to plan all this and great seeing everyone together at this type of occasion.


Alex's new bootleg porn lol.

Yesterday night was Jensen's birthday party thing at his place. He had some bomb ass lumpia (but when is lumpia not hella good?) and chicken! I know his ass had a good

Christian + birthday boy-Jensen.

After Jensen's i had to stop by Marks going away party, goin to bootcamp til' next year! I'm gonna miss him.


No homo?

I swear ill dowittt!!!

I have many more pics but i hate to clutter.

Today was GOLD SPRINTS bike expo at the Cow Palace:

ok im lazy. l8r!