Few random snaps from Japan, mostly Harajuku.
One of my faves from HFJP, only Sunny truck i saw in Japan.
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pulling next to Jan on the freeway and this is what i see...
Here's part 2 of my photos from Japan.
It's mostly car photos because this day is coverage of HELLAFLUSH FUJI SPEEDWAY.
visiting Craft
staff @ super auto bacs
view from our hotel room at Fuji
Shinya from Starfuckers
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While in Japan, roaming around Akihabara; I was in the market for a new camera. Not quite a DSLR but maybe something compact that shoots full HD. I ended up picking up the Nikon P300. Since i didn't have access to internet, i wasn't able to check out reviews for it. LUCKILY it turns out to be a VERY good compact camera! Shoots full HD with a F/1.8 lens!
One thing i look for when it comes to point and shoots is the design of the camera. Yeah i guess it doesn't really matter since it wont make the photos look any better but i just hate clunky poor designed point and shoots. Fashion accessory? haha maybe, but simple black cameras such as the Ricoh GR models are a good example of a nice design as well.
Oh and I forgot to mention that i added the "leather" skin to the camera which gives it a nostalgic feel. I tried looking online to see if they sell these here but could possibly only be found in Japan.
Some of you may have already seen this video, its been posted up for some time now.
I got the chance to hang out with Nakai for the past few days including going to Rennsport Porsche event with him at Laguna Seca. This guy is truly an artist and i wish i was able to speak the same language as his to fully understand him. I do understand that he is his own person just doing what he loves and creating his amazing work for his customers. What i also love about him is his low maintenance and open mind for things.
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While in Japan, i took a whole bunch of videos just for memories and to show friends. I threw some of them in a video and here it is. Half of them were taken with my D90, and some others taken with my new Nikon P300.
I really dont know where to start with my photos but let me get into a little bit of talking first, something i rarely do on here.
The 10 days i spent in Japan was amazing. Words really cannot express how awesome and lucky i am to have done the things i did and i want to especially thank Mark and Yamasaki for making everything happen. I learned a lot and also changed the way i look at things many things. Actually makes USA look pretty shitty, especially when you read the news daily like me... just reading about all these murders and crime going on but anyways thats getting a bit off topic. Go America!...
Of course i took a lot of photos, but i really don't know in what order i should be posting/blogging these. I'm going to just post these by memory card.
Japan shitter.
first photo taken outside of Narita airport. Tokyo taxi.
Yamasaki-san and our ride. Huge Toyota Hiace.
traffic going to Tokyo. Seems like these Legacys are a lot more popular then WRX's
Rainbow Bridge
tourist photo
One of our first stops was ZFather, Yamasaki's friends motorcycle shop
Mini bosozoku bike
pretty awesome, food vending machine.
2nd stop. DAIKOKU PA. Pretty awesome seeing this place in person after seeing photos of this spot. It was a pretty dead night.
until these few cars pulled up. Amazing RWB Porsche
For some odd reason, i saw mostly Levin's over Trueno's.
pretty typical to see a bunch of wheels at car shops. Usually very fairly priced.
I also found myself buying a lot of drinks daily. Could be the slight humidity or the fact the machines look so cool.
UPGARAGE....used parts.
yes mind was pretty blown at the prices.
more to come....