So i helped Jan take this video of Daniel Tom's CT70 as a joke. ENJOY! lmao.
So recently i noticed that this shitty ass video of when i got my car back from the shop almost a year ago received 1200 views on youtube. It's not a lot but i figure it might be kinda cool to make a decent video of my car, especially how youtube lacks E7 chasis videos on youtube, why the heck not?
The car is still an ongoing project so give me some slack on the missing grill and other crap.
leaving to so cal in just a bit. see u guys there!
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So recently, my friend Takahiro from Japan sent over a flash drive with USDM Jam photos and what not. He brought up the idea of sending the flash drive back with photos from America on it. I thought it was an awesome idea and it gave me an opportunity to take a look at all these things i was used to seeing and capturing it on photo. Many of these things we forget how cool it can be, just cause we live here and we're so used it. But taking a look at them with a foreigner perspective becomes a bit fun. I totally got into the mood of thinking "OHH shit this would probably be cool cause he's never seen this before!"
I took a bout 500 photos so far but a lot of them seemed kinda cool to share so heres some i took.
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Years ago i actually owned a 1991 Turbo Rx-7. I was actually able to log into my photobucket account. I was looking for photos a while back of this car but i thought i lost them all. I only owned the car for maybe a year and a half. Had super low mileage when i bought it (70,000!). This was a cool car other than the HORRIBLE gas MPG, and owning this thing back when gas prices were at almost $5.00 (kinda almost like how it is now was killer. I had plans of modifying this car but i think i was too involved with bicycles at the time.
also found a pic of my old bianchi road bike.
as well as my Ciocc
Other random photos from my old photobucket
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Hit up the Alameda Antique fair thing last weekend. I always wanted to go to these and hell, i live just a few minute driving distance away. These happen the first of every month over at the navy base.
old pachinko machine
Yesterday i had a day of biking and hanging out with friends, pretty much how my life used to be a few years back when riding was a bigger priority for me. Went to this Red Bull fixed gear event held over at Justin Herman plaza in SF. Consisted of a race and fixed gear freestyle competition.
Let me tell you something, back when i used to be into fixed gear bikes, i wasn't so into the whole fixed gear freestyle thing. I just always thought to myself, WHY not just do it on a BMX bike? Well shit, FGFS has gone a lonnngggg waaay and its amazed me how talented these riders are. much respect. i would never have thought it would have been taken this far.
this guy from Japan, yes that is a fuckin back flip.
thanks for the sticker Logan!
as much as i don't ride every day now, its still a ton of fun riding with my friends and gettin out there on 2 wheels.
Benny Gold grand opening.
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