3/21 - I like Turtles

by Kenny on Monday, March 21, 2011


i really do like turtles, i own 6 Red Eared Sliders and 1 Snapper turtle.

Well over the past few months, i realized it is time to give my snapper turtle a better home...

Not only are these animals illegal in California, he's getting so big to the point where i dont know what id even want to do with him anymore.

Funny short story. I go to the East Bay Vivarium to see if they'll adopt turtles. conversation goes like this:

Kenny: Hey so i had a question, do you guys adopt turtles if lets say i didnt want it anymore?
EBV Employee: Yes we do...what kind is it?...
Kenny: Snapper turtle.
EBV Employee: Ohhh-noooooooo hoo hoooooooo....those are illegal, we cant take those.

Well some guy happen to be next to us when i asked the employee who owns a reptile rescue company. well i hooked up with him tonight to hand over my turtle and now he is in good hands. Pretty cool. A little sad to have to give him away but i know its best for him even though hes such an aggressive animal.

Keep in mind, hes a lot bigger than he looks in these photos. the wide angle sheds some weight off of people sometimes:

One comment


Not illegal here, but apparently regulated somehow.

by sixsylinder on March 25, 2011 at 7:13 PM. #