OUTBREAK 09', Resident EVil 5 and LEFTY O'DOULS

by Kenny on Saturday, March 14, 2009

Been a little busy lately from work, prep + ship 100 orders in 1 day, impossible! Finished it by the 2nd day. Kinda lazy right now but i will continue with the pics.

believe it or not, this was only about half of it!

So much win.

I HIGHLY suggest you meat eaters to check out LEFTY O'DOULS across from Union SQ. in SF. I freakin' love this place.

Their Menu:

Hand-Carved Roast Beef ........................ $6.89

Hand-Carved Glazed Ham ...................... $6.89
Hand-Carved Corned Beef ...................... $6.89
Hand-Carved Pastrami ............................ $6.89
Hand-Carved Roast Turkey ................... $6.89
Lefty's Grand Slam ................................... $7.49
1/2 Sandwich & Cup of Soup .................. $6.89
Special BBQ Beef ....................................... $7.49

Also from the top of my head they have a few selections of salads, potato salad, macaroni salad, etc...

EVEN IM drooling right now looking at this..ughh.

OUTBREAK 09' was this event Capcom held for the release of RESIDENT EVIL 5. This was a pretty sick and awesome idea. We got our game at gamestop on powell, gave us a ticket so we can attend the event thats held ON union square.

Upon entry, checkin for T-virus lol.

check it out we got our photo taken!!! lol.


Red Carpet lol.


check out this pole with a tree growing out of it, crazy!


I hear people are still trippin about how you can't shoot and run at the same time. oh well.

and fuck, thats hella packages haha.

by Francis Ramos on March 14, 2009 at 5:43 PM. #

Dude! Resident Evil 5, damn that looked crackin & wow ... hella shipments too! You stay posting food tho XD

by Riri Ya Beezy on March 14, 2009 at 10:10 PM. #

that looks so radddddd, hows the game?

by henry! on March 16, 2009 at 11:13 PM. #

you are looks like a superman!!!


by Unknown on March 16, 2009 at 11:30 PM. #

DUDE, I LOVE lefty odouls!!!! I've been eating there since I was in diapers (So I've been told) but ever since I can remember I've been eating there...hella good food dude hella packed too.

by Anonymous on March 16, 2009 at 11:44 PM. #

hey```wht a nice pickage```I want to ship it ``hah ```

by Porner on March 17, 2009 at 6:06 PM. #