Went to Bugorama on the weekend in Vallejo. Lots of sick VW's.
Here are also some random pics i took over the weekend while in SF.
rape shack
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Here's some photos i stole from Tim Mar's blog
Today i went to the Good Guys car show in Pleasanton. This is my first time going to this event although i've always wanted to go. So glad i did because this event was fuckin awesome. The swap meet was super fucking cool. I imagine it would have been even better if i didnt arrive late, a lot of people were already packed up and leaving. Lots of old school shit. I kinda felt like i was the only asian person there other than this old Japanese couple i saw.
i didn't order any of those...infact i ordered "CHICKEN TERIYAKI RICE BOWL". Wonder if the people serving me were all in their heads "he would order that...."
if you look closely you can see how huge those corndogs are. i was tempted but didnt feel like payin $7 for a corndog.
pin striping
pretty cool to see some classics autocrossing
very greeeen
- One comment • Category: car show, good guys, goodguys, pleasanton
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