Not much time to go on computer n shit, but heres a quick teaser of some pics from today, Hella Flush 4, which was a fucking awesome turnout! You guys in Hawaii kick ass!
Check me out! Im in Hawaii! Just in time too because i hear theres a storm in the Bay. This place is fucking beautiful! (and kinda looks like philippines in some areas lol)
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Happy Birthday to my good friend /Tim. You are now a grown man and can get in even more trouble for bird watching, lol.
Matching lol
Hawaii in 2 days!!!! It will be my first time!
Here's some more pictures from Buttonwillow
our room in Bakersfield
crazy lookin Nissan Cedric
Serei before the engine troubles
mel dirt drop
Miley Cyrus
Mike in the dirt lol
Aaron in the dirt
all in red
calvin wan
Sup guyz!
luis in dirt
team run
HEY!! Water u doing out there!
leslee getting ready to get on track w/ Felix's 300HP Elise
mel rally lol
hai phil!
Aaron wall tap
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BW TDC, fun ass weekend, i have a shitload of pictures to edit, but i need to sleep. Gonna just post up a few teasers for now.
BLAKE TERAGAWA, max and nai
I was talking to a good friend of mine, Alex Chan from high school. I knew he was into guns so i asked if he got any new ones. He replies with "na, but i built one". Really surprised me! Never knew you can build one but check out his crazy ass build!!! I can't say im really into guns but building something like this is quite amazing to me!